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Intaglio Sketchpad App [Summary]


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Intaglio Sketchpad is a full-featured drawing application designed for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, based on Intaglio, the award-winning Macintosh application. With most iPad and iPhone sketching apps you paint strokes or erase pixels on the screen. Intaglio Sketchpad is different because it allows you to create and edit shapes and text blocks. These graphic elements retain their shape and attributes and can be edited at any time. For example, you can adjust color, line thickness, or fix spelling mistakes at any time. To erase an element you simply select it and delete it without affecting whatever might be behind it.

Intaglio Sketchpad provides a full set of drawing tools and capabilities re-imagined for the multi-touch environment. For example, use one finger to draw or select a graphic, or use two fingers to rotate it. Hold your thumb on a tool button while drawing to constrain the object.


• Eleven drawing tools including freehand drawing, geometric shapes, bezier curve pen and text.
• Functions to align, delete, duplicate, group, layer or transform graphics.
• Create text using any font style in the iPhone OS (currently 58 font/style combinations on the iPhone and 110 on the iPad).
• Path editor, subpath contour control functions, boolean path operations and text to path conversion.
• Gradients, patterns, drop shadows, arrows, dashed lines, outlined text and clipping masks.
• Drawing aids such as a grid, smart guides and object location and size feedback.
• Customizable drawing scale and size.
• A customizable graphics library including a variety of predefined shapes.
• Multi-touch navigation with two finger scrolling and 800% zoom.
• Multiple levels of undo/redo.
• Import photos and scale or rotate them to composite with other graphics.
• Use cut, copy and paste to move graphics between drawings or export them to other apps.
• Import vector graphics from your computer as SVG.
• Export images to your photo library or as PDF, SVG, PNG or JPEG files to your computer via Wi-Fi or iTunes file sharing.
• Share drawings with other users of Sketchpad via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, or with Intaglio on the Macintosh.

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