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What Is A Software Version Number?


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If you’ve ever downloaded or updated software, you’ve probably come across a version number. But what exactly is a software version number, and why is it important?

A software version number is a unique identifier assigned to a specific release of a software program. It helps users and developers distinguish between different versions of the software and track its evolution over time. Version numbers typically consist of a series of numbers or letters separated by periods, such as “1.0” or “v2.3.5”. These numbers can indicate major releases, minor updates, or bug fixes, depending on the software’s versioning system. Understanding version numbers can be helpful in determining whether you have the latest features and security patches, as well as in troubleshooting technical issues. So, let’s dive into the world of software version numbers and explore their significance in the software development realm.

Types of version numbers

  • major version number is incremented when there is a significant code change that might be incompatible with previous versions, such as a fundamental change of framework.
  • minor version number is incremented when significant bug fixes are implemented, or a new feature is added.
  • revision number is incremented when minor bug fixes are implemented.

Why are there different versions of software?

When new features are introduced, bugs are fixed, or security holes are patched, the version number is increased to indicate the installed software includes those improvements. Version numbering is especially important in corporate settings, where products and services may rely upon features specific to a certain version of the software.

Software Version Number definition by Wiki

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software. At a fine-grained level, revision control is often used for keeping track of incrementally different versions of information, whether or not this information is computer software.

Version Number Examples

To better understand software version numbers, let’s take a look at a few examples:

SoftwareVersion NumberExplanation
Microsoft Word16.0.13901Major version 16, minor version 0, patch version 13901
Google Chrome98.0.4758Major version 98, minor version 0, patch version 4758
WordPress5.9.1Major version 5, minor version 9, patch version 1

Find the software version on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod

You can find the version of iOS, iPadOS, or iPod software installed on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod with your device or using your computer.

On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

To find software version installed on your device, go to Settings > General, then tap About.

On your iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano, or iPod mini

  1. Press the Menu button multiple times until the main menu appears.
  2. Scroll to and select Settings > About.
  3. The software version of your device should appear on this screen. On iPod nano (3rd or 4th generation) and iPod classic, press the Center button twice on the About screen to see the software version.

Software Version Numbering Rules

here’s a quick look at software version numbering rules and what those numbers mean for you as a software user.

  • The software release cycle
  • A numbers breakdown
  • A release type breakdown

Let’s go back to the number we used as an example at the start of this post: Version 17.4.26.

Each number in that sequence refers to a specific release type:

  • Major releases (indicated by the first number)
  • Minor releases (indicated by the second number)
  • Patches (indicated by the third number)

In this instance, Version 17.4.26 means that:

  • Your current product has had 17 sweeping upgrades (versions) during its lifecycle
  • This current version of the product has since received four updates
  • The current version has been patched 26 times

Clear and consistent software version numbering rules, then, make it easy to track where you’re at with your current release.

The Importance of Software Versioning

Software versioning plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of software. It provides a systematic way to track and manage changes made to a software application over time. Here are a few key reasons why software versioning is important:

  1. Bug fixes and improvements: With each new version, software developers release bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features. By using version numbers, users can easily identify and update to the latest version, ensuring that they have the most stable and efficient software.
  2. Compatibility and support: Software versioning helps ensure compatibility between different software components, modules, and external dependencies. When developers release new versions, they often document any changes in compatibility requirements, making it easier for users to determine if their system meets the necessary criteria.
  3. Security updates: Cybersecurity threats evolve constantly, and software vulnerabilities are discovered regularly. Software versioning allows developers to release security updates and patches to address these vulnerabilities. Users can then update their software to the latest version, which includes the necessary security fixes.
  4. User feedback and customization: Version updates often incorporate user feedback and suggestions. By actively engaging with users, software developers can enhance the user experience and tailor the software to meet the specific needs of their audience. This iterative process allows for ongoing improvements and increased customer satisfaction.

In a nutshell, software versioning ensures a structured approach to software development and maintenance. It enables developers to track changes, deliver bug fixes and improvements, maintain compatibility, address security concerns, and incorporate user feedback. By staying up to date with the latest software version, users can take advantage of the latest features, enhancements, and security updates.


In conclusion, a software version number is a crucial identifier that helps users and developers keep track of software updates and improvements. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Version numbers are typically composed of digits separated by periods, such as “1.0.2” or “”.
  • Major version increments indicate significant changes and may introduce backward compatibility issues.
  • Minor version increments usually bring new features or enhancements without breaking existing functionality.
  • Patch version increments address bug fixes and security updates without introducing new features.
  • Pre-release versions like alpha or beta allow users to test software before its official release.
  • Build numbers represent specific builds or compilations of a software version.


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