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Marketplaces: how to successfully work in the High season?


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In peak seasons of holidays and big sales, revenue can be doubled. This is the marketing axiom. But you can burn it out, making a number of mistakes due to inexperience. How to stay in good shape and what tools to use when preparing your company for work on marketplaces – in the material.

Experts highlight several key points needed to work on marketplaces. Defining a goal is a top priority. This can be the sale of old wastewater, attracting new customers, gathering contacts to continue working with the base or increasing the turnover here and now. Different companies are different short-term strategies. And starting from the goal you need to think about what the mechanics will be, based on the information about the target audience and its needs.

From strategy to start

The easiest and most effective way to get a great season on the marketplaces is to get on them before it starts. Marketplaces are often ranked 1-3 in organic search engine placement. That is, having entered the market with seasonal goods first of all, the chances of those shops, which will be issued in the first line, increase repeatedly. At the start of the season, the number of sellers will increase many times over, and the competition will already be quite serious, so you need to act on the anticipation that will bear fruit.

Layoutplaces have their own conditions for starting a collaboration. Somewhere it is enough to create a file of unloading of goods (feed), and somewhere there is a long process of filling in the documentation and ordering the content. It may take one month or more than three. Sometimes, some sellers may not go beyond the application phase. Having passed this level, the task is to create unique content, to prepare high-quality professional photos. Only then – sell and receive as much positive feedback as possible that influences buyers’ decisions.

For successful work it is necessary to keep track of the actuality of prices and availability of goods as often as possible. Because if one of the buyers complains that they are out of stock, this item will be deprecated. Failures regarding the range negatively affect the seller’s reputation.

“In order to buy from you, they have to talk about the product. Good talking. And the more – the better. Or about you as a salesman who deserves attention among a huge number of competitors. Working with the marketplace is a willingness to play long hours, and in addition to wanting to be able to reach a wide audience, you need to be prepared for what is not so easy, ”- Destra founder and CEO Dmytro Romanovsky.

Plus the competitors

In order to avoid minus the marketplaces, you do not have to fall below the price of competitors. Promote the product by placing on marketplaces, most advantageously through the mechanisms of internal advertising, with pay for action. It is not necessary to promote a product that is expensive. It is best to advertise for numerous small products.

Often, companies that use advertising without binding to marketing promotion spend huge amounts of money. Only a clear understanding of its margin and meticulous accounting of all the costs of logistics, advertising, cost of goods, etc. Otherwise, it may be unsatisfactory when the sale is completed.

Another thing is if the purpose of the sale is to get rid of warehouse residues, for example, from products from the collections of previous years, and against the background of increased demand to increase sales of the actual product that does not fall into the sales category. Then the received minus from the sale of discounted products is projected.

“Proper pricing is always important. This rule has no exceptions. While trading seasonal goods, many people misjudge the factors that affect the cost, but in the season, the cost of logistics, risks, packaging, raw materials and so on, ”- co-founder of the online store handmade cosmetics Word of scrub Dmitry Alexandrov.

Are “seasonal discounts” really discounts?

If you follow social networks before and after the sale period, you can definitely come across publications about unscrupulous sellers. They are, and they are quite a lot. Many are really inflating prices and making discounts before the holidays. Thus, the product is better sold, the psychology of the buyer works. This is little monitored on the Ukrainian market, but on the same Aliexpress support team keeps track of sellers and prices.

Experts say this is a painful issue for Ukrainian retailers. Most sellers want to attract as many buyers as possible, sell as much product as possible, and earn the most. That is, they are not ready to give real discounts. Therefore, there are different pseudo-actions and “conditional” concessions. Some stores raise the price a few days before the sale, and then point to a lower price tag. In fact, it is even higher than it was before. The rest give discounts selectively, on certain categories of products, or even remove more liquid goods from the shop window and catalog on the site for the sale period.

Expertise, which is better for Ukrainian retail. Adeje bіlshіst sellers want to get more and more buyers, sell more and more product and earn as much as possible. That’s not ready to make real books. That is why they recognize the pseudo-assumptions and the “concessions”. The dealers of the store pay the price for the day before the sale, and then pay the price for the change. And rightly so I won’t be guilty, lower than before. Reshta give the books vibrokovo, on the singing category virobіv, as well as navigate to pick up the best products from the store to the catalog and catalog on the site for the period of sale. And by the end of the sale, I’m declared for sale.

Tse du pomilkova і korotostrokova policy. Don’t worry, don’t buy goods at all, don’t show up for goods late, until the season is low, and don’t remember, I’ve got to sell the store price on the street, so I’ve added. Most of all, intimations with dosvidom, you have to come to the store for two or two days, take a look, write down, or go to the photographer’s price tags. In addition, it is preferable to bother with a little bucket and resources for more price, so that you can marvel at the goods at competitors.

In addition, the Wayback Machine website is the digital archive of the All-Saving Pavutini and the Internet Information on the Internet. There you can insert the address of the street and marry, which is on the other side. But google the cache and save the copy. Be-a kind of fraud of a buyer, it’s too early to show up and end up with negative video guides on the Internet, having deprived the user’s credit for reputable sales and promotions, which should be done. Well, zrozumіlo, the buyer himself and his near dear number didn’t try the hype and be spent for you. So, such a piddid is incorrect and invisible, even the company has even turned its socks on a healed customer and as a result of one “sale”, we can annul the entire Viconan robot.

“For an unscrupulous salesman of a short-term vigoda, an hour and a half of a week’s retirement, kiberponedilka іshshih іzdіvyh tіzdіvnyh razprodіvіv mіd turn out to be great problems іn loyal customers іn maybutnymu. Fooling customers can’t even turn around shopping, ”- Dmitri Romanovsky, CEO and CEO of Destra Internet Marketing Agency, pidtverdzhu.

No special secrets

Narazі komunіkatsіya z klіntom and klіntoorіntovanіst – tse the most important aspect, on a warto wrap respect. Це come to mind and marketplace. Be on the sound, promptly vidovite the food. Virishuyte problems, which wins on the goods, so that you will be in the minus. Vicoristise the gifts and compliments – as a result of negativity, purchase distress, and as such it has become. Don’t forget that hostility is about dandy – it’s the most respectable tool, a kind of “for” you, but “protest”, the fragments appear on the guides. Klіnt, a kind of company chuє, vidchuvaє dovіru to those who want to be rooted, who can appreciate and be ready to help. Such a result, as a result, will be advertised by the servants of any other company, however, it is inconceivable, which is not to be missed.

As a rule, speak in general about e-commerce, then such charms aren’t.

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