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How CRM Improves your Lead Generation Flow


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In today’s business marketing, one of the critical element that drives the business momentum is Lead nurturing.

A process by which leads are tracked and successfully converted into sales-qualified leads is known as Lead Nurturing.

According to Andre Pino’s

No matter how your agency or business gets leads, you can always contact those leads once and wait for their response. Lead nurturing is just a process, but it really works.

Marketo: Companies excelling at lead nurturing generate 50 percent more sales ready leads at a 33 percent lower cost.

Marketing Sherpa: 79 percent of marketing leads never converts to sales. The main reason behind the poor performance is the lack of lead nurturing.

Lead nurturing is a process of dealing with qualified leads to make the conversion rate more apparent, but at the same time to make sure that you are gaining the business of customers when they’re ready.

CRM for Lead Generation

CRM software is a very useful tool that simplifies the management aspect of business. If you have implemented the right CRM then you’ll definitely get improved results in sales, close more deals and increase real-time decisions and predict accuracy. With a solution like PipeDrive CRM there is no magic formula to nurture customers and generate qualified leads. However, there are chances to get into deeper customer data to improve sales initiatives.

6 Ways How CRM Nurture Lead Generation Process?

An efficient Customer Relationship Management system offers a number of functionality at an affordable price. A CRM impacts a business significantly. It helps in nurturing leads and building better long-standing relationships with customers even before interactions with the sales team happen.

  1. Find the right customers.
  2. Build more sustainable relationships.
  3. Reduce the cost of the sale process.
  4. Increase employee productivity.
  5. Offer better customer service.
  6. Improve customer retention.

Effective Marketing Campaigns

According to the latest CRM analysis of reports, businesses nowadays have realized the impact CRM software has on Marketing. Whether it’s about taking advantage of segmentation features to build shared groups of customer targets and enhance the messaging of campaigns, or profiting from the opportunity pipeline and campaign reporting. With CRM, you can fulfill your business objectives by providing yourself deeper fact-based insight into your customers and prospects. CRM gives a detailed look at the opportunity pipeline which can be aligned with every opportunity to a specific marketing campaign.

Tracking Leads

Every CRM follows its own process of tracking and managing leads and deals, and letting you see the status of the leads and where they’re in the process. Like sales, leads records can be tracked like the number of customers who were contacted in the past month or week, what was discussed, customer’s queries, and others. Specific reports can be generated and analyzed based on it.

“A 5% reduction in your customer defection rate can increase profits 25%–85%.”


Companies can fulfill its goals with the help of CRM and improve the quality of leads as well. From both the sales and marketing departments, there should be a definite goal to enhance lead quality of more sales and revenue. Your CRM helps you to get quality leads and identify which actions are eventually translating into lead and then to a sale. Using those data, leads can be fast-tracked by the sales process to help you more economically and ensure you successfully reach your sales goals.

There are many more ways of improving lead generation with a CRM. But the most important being CRM to be the main pivotal point of lead generation, which not only helps in generating quality leads but, it enhances the sales process, ensure better conversion rates and helps close more deals.

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